Avon Talks
Join Ethan Guo as he sits down with members from all corners of the Avon community every month to discuss Avon, Connecticut's history, landmarks, and current events, brought to you by the Avon Historical Society and Town of Avon.
Podcasting since 2023 • 15 episodes
Avon Talks
Latest Episodes
Avon Volunteer Fire Department with Bruce Appell and James DiPace
In 1736, Benjamin Franklin founded the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia. This would be the first volunteer fire department of its kind in the United States and laid the foundations for a tradition that continues to be practiced throughout man...
Avon Little League with Bill Severni, David Jadovich, and Kevin Reichler
Baseball has long been known as America’s favorite pastime. Coincidentally, for many, it also happened to be the only pastime. That was certainly the case for many of those growing up in Avon in the 1950s. With relatively few means of interacti...
The Flood of 1955 with Janet Carville
In August of 1955, Connecticut was hit by one of the worst natural disasters in the state’s modern history. Over the course of one week, two hurricanes – Hurricane Connie and Hurricane Diane – collectively dropped more than two feet of water an...
Avon Print Media with Bruce Deckert
In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenburg introduced the printing press to Europe, which not only defined print media’s dominant role for centuries to come, but also fundamentally altered the social, political, and religious structure of the Wes...
Farmington Valley Arts Center with Carol Kaplan and Melissa Meredith
Following victory in World War II, the United States was forced to navigate a precarious transition period as it welcomed its millions of veterans back into society. To accommodate many of these returning soldiers and the subsequent Baby Boom t...