Avon Talks
Join Ethan Guo as he sits down with members from all corners of the Avon community every month to discuss Avon, Connecticut's history, landmarks, and current events, brought to you by the Avon Historical Society and Town of Avon.
15 episodes
Avon Volunteer Fire Department with Bruce Appell and James DiPace
In 1736, Benjamin Franklin founded the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia. This would be the first volunteer fire department of its kind in the United States and laid the foundations for a tradition that continues to be practiced throughout man...
Avon Little League with Bill Severni, David Jadovich, and Kevin Reichler
Baseball has long been known as America’s favorite pastime. Coincidentally, for many, it also happened to be the only pastime. That was certainly the case for many of those growing up in Avon in the 1950s. With relatively few means of interacti...
The Flood of 1955 with Janet Carville
In August of 1955, Connecticut was hit by one of the worst natural disasters in the state’s modern history. Over the course of one week, two hurricanes – Hurricane Connie and Hurricane Diane – collectively dropped more than two feet of water an...
Avon Print Media with Bruce Deckert
In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenburg introduced the printing press to Europe, which not only defined print media’s dominant role for centuries to come, but also fundamentally altered the social, political, and religious structure of the Wes...
Farmington Valley Arts Center with Carol Kaplan and Melissa Meredith
Following victory in World War II, the United States was forced to navigate a precarious transition period as it welcomed its millions of veterans back into society. To accommodate many of these returning soldiers and the subsequent Baby Boom t...
Avon Lions Club with Heidi Zacchera
What does the heyday of American industrialization have to do with Avon, CT? The answer is in Lions Club International. In 1917, the Lions Club was first founded in Chicago, Illinois in response to the height of American industrialism where wid...
Avon Free Public Library with Glenn Grube and Cal Miller
What is a library? To some, it’s a repository of knowledge for study and research. To others, it’s a place to borrow novels and movies and to get lost in worlds of figment and imagination, or a public space to get work done and access different...
Founding Avon Athletics with Robert Summers
Join us with Robert Summers, the former Avon Athletic Director and founder of the Avon Athletics program, as we explore the tangential history of Avon athletics with the Avon High School, the development of different sports teams, and the long-...
The Heublein Tower with Jay Willerup
Join us with Jay Willerup, the current board president of the Friends of Heublein Tower, as we explore the tower’s founding story, introduce its history, discuss some of the notable United States presidents that have graced its halls, and exami...
Avon Old Farms with Art Custer
Join us with Art Custer, the head of the History Department at Avon Old Farms as we explore the school’s founding, introduce its history in relation to Avon, and the role the school has had on generations of students from across the nation a...
Avon Town Manager Brandon Robertson
Join us with Brandon Robertson as we introduce the role of the town manager, break down the structure of Avon's local government, and discuss the importance of civic engagement at all levels of government. Avon Talks is available on...
Prince Thomas of Savoy
Join us with Chris Cody and Paul Rotondo as we introduce the Prince Thomas of Savoy Italian social club, its over century long history, and its role within the Avon, Farmington Valley, and Connecticut community. Av...
Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
Join us with Imam Safwan Shaikh and Dr. Khamis Abu-Hasaballah as we introduce the Farmington Valley American Muslim Center and its growing role amongst the Farmington Valley community. To learn more about the FVAMC, visit their ...